. . . as delivered faithfully come hell or high water, rain or shine, snow or rain or dry, hot or cold or in between at Traditional Latin Mass Propers In English -- on this day here.
The Christian way is not normally the way of violence. The use of authority sometimes requires forceful words, and Jesus Himself used such force.
. . . as in his shooing money-changers from the temple.
But usually the Christian appeal is simply through presentation of truth and through persuasion.
True enough.
Beyond that, the Christian becomes the sacrificial lamb who, like Christ, brings men to God by example, prayer, and meritorious suffering.
Who, me?
Redemption began on the cross and it must continue on the cross.
Of course.
"Behold the lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world" (John 1:29).
Heard in every mass, yes.
What the Baptist said of Christ remains true of every member of Christ.
Behold the sacrificial lamb, they say when they see me? C'mon.