Pope Francis launches new way to theologize, which gotta be “outgoing” (his quote marks) among other things . . .
One of which, you guessed it, is synodal . . .
“A synodal, missionary, ‘outgoing’ Church, calls for an ‘outgoing’ theology,” Francis says in his new advisory letter — which becomes official law of the land of God which is the one, true church.
But “synodal” as guideline is risky business. The synod we just had was all about synodal, we were told, with another coming up in a year, presumably to figure it out. Francis called them both, so he must not know for sure, or if he knows, he’s not telling us straight out but like a good teacher is leading us along so we find it out for ourselves. Pray for us, O holy mother of Christ.
He designates “missionary” too. Why not? It’s as old as the hills in church matters, but even there he’s apparently not sure, having spoken dismissively of proselytizing — had to explain that away, lest he be seen as against convert-making. He’s a work in progress, he is, sowing confusion along his “journey” or as he likes to say, making a “mess.”
His track record in such issues does not make us ready to buy this new theology business. We want to kick the tire, if we may.
As for “outgoing,” that’s another oldie that one can only applaud, related as it is to the missionary impulse. But Francis doesn’t make it one of his essentials for remaking theology, we fear, for pursuing theological advances and publicizing new insights. He must have something else in mind, we fear, else why would he make it one of his big three in the matter of revamping theologizing.
What else? Not a matter here of mere tactics. There’s also “crystallized contents to new situations.” What the . . . ?
“Rather, theology must be reconsidered both epistemologically and methodologically” — what it’s trying to say and how it’s saying it — as in the foreword to Francis’ 2018 “apostolic constitution,” Veritatis gaudium, with its opener,
The joy of truth expresses the restlessness of the human heart until it encounters and dwells within God’s Light, and shares that Light with all people.
What you tryin’ to say, pardner? You have something that we are to put in our pipes for smoking?
He explains, with a veritable lalapalooza of words:
Truth is not an abstract idea, but is Jesus himself, the Word of God in whom is the Life that is the Light of man”;
and this, he says,
is the joy that the Church is impelled by Jesus to bear witness to and to proclaim in her mission, unceasingly and with ever renewed vigour.
I can only say, beware what you use your vigor on, OK? He has found an unoccupied ice cream cone and dumped into it some holy catch words, stringing them together for the sake of . . . what?
Jesus, Word of God, Life that is the Light of man, joy, bear witness, proclaim in her mission, unceasingly, vigor — how can he go wrong with an all-star assortment like that?
Someone told him he couldn’t go wrong, with his captive audience and all that . . .
From what respectable gathering of thinkers and speakers would he not be laughed out of town talking that way?
It’s a disconcerting case of man of God tossing words out mysteriously.