Mixtum-gatherum #1. Gaza strip: pecking away at a Trump initiative. Pope Francis on immigration: Why so against stopping illegals? Plus, he's another Joe Biden?
Title is a sort of pig Latin for items of short length and who knows? Lasting importance but don't bet the house on it.
Start with the journal of the street, WSJ in the matter of transforming Gaza, specifically what Arabs are thinking:
Egypt has launched a diplomatic blitz to corral support for an Arab-led and funded initiative to rebuild the Gaza Strip, setting aside old political concerns in hopes of boxing out a Trump plan that is wildly unpopular across the Arab world.
The efforts show how President Trump’s surprise proposal for the U.S. to take over Gaza and redevelop it as an international destination—while its Palestinian population is moved out—has upended the positions of major players in the region toward the 16-month war between Israel and Hamas.
So much for realpolitik . . .
Take the above for a sampling of routine semi-debunking of Trumpism. This first-class news-purveyor-cum-analyst pecks away at one of the Trumper’s more out-of-the ordinary splash-attempts-cum-new-way-of-doing-things, taking a sort of conservative approach to news reporting.
Which is to say it exudes carefulness, i.e. caution. It’s its niche. In its pages you see variety, including things you won’t find in NY Post, to name another first-city news purveyor, where you see boldness — consider its near solitary embracing of the momentous Hunter Biden story — or its NY Opposite, the bible of leftism — yes, I know it is or was a newspaper of record. Of what? is the question.
Turning to the world of worship and Catholicism, put this in your pipe and . . . you know the expression . . .
Wondering why Pope Francis is “so desperate for illegal immigrants to be allowed to live in America?”
John-Henry Westen has some answers.
One, says he, is that Francis is “virtue signaling.” Hmm.
Another, “staring us in the face for years,” is that he’s a globalist, willing to downplay ordo amoris — cited recently by one J.D. Vance — in favor of a homogenization of humanity, undercutting a grading of those we love, family first and all that,
Said homogenization and downgrading are ”key goals of globalism,” and “unchecked migration” is one of its “most cherished ideals,” says Westin.
This migration “allows the market to be flooded with cheap labor, driving down wages to even more unjust levels, and destroying the individual characters of nations.”
Not good.
Francis makes no bones about it, dismissing Catholic social teaching in the matter as “worrying about persona, community or national identity,” which he condemns.
Trouble is, what Francis favors serves “to blend the people of the world in a great big mix, turns everyone into atomized economic units.”
It ends with all of us “better exploited by big business, and more controlled by a satanic Deep State which hates God and his Christ. That’s the agenda Francis is serving here.”
And “this elderly sick man is being propped up (as Biden was) as a facade for a leftist propaganda machine.”
Which leaves us with “a highly politicized and ideological Vatican . . . a challenge for the future pope, who will have to live with the consequences of this pathetic papacy of failure.”
Oh my.
Congrats Jim-sent me to McGoogle-payback for epicaricacy? Spellcheck has finally accepted it as a word