Mayoral hopeful Brandon Johnson wins the kindergarten debate game, hands down . . .
Overcoming his deep-down disqualification -- his never having run anything . . .
. . . but a school room full of junior-high students:
“We all know [we do?] someone like Paul, who has failed over and over again, and continues to be allowed to fail up,” Johnson said. “[Just] because you make the loudest noise, and you roll your eyes at everybody else, doesn’t mean that you know what’s best.”
Oh yes it does!
“I actually [yes!] find it absolutely [yes!] ridiculous, but all too familiar [you said it, brother], that someone like Paul Vallas [ugh] speaks to other people and believes that they don’t know what they’re talking about,” Johnson said. “It’s shameful, it’s ridiculous, but we’re familiar with that.”
To our dismay if true.
As for Vallas’ claim to a lengthier teaching resume, Johnson said, “You can’t keep just dismissing people, Paul. It’s irresponsible.”
Stop it, you hear me. Stop it right now!
Johnson pounced on his opponent’s claim that hundreds of retired officers would be motivated to rejoin the ranks if Vallas makes it to the fifth floor of City Hall.
“I’m [was] a public school teacher,” Johnson said. “If we’re asking the city of Chicago to count on retirees to come back to teaching or retirees to come back to policing — that is a strategy that, quite frankly, has not worked anywhere in the world.”
You can look it up.
He was a teacher, for four years, before he became a union organizer — and a darn good one, helping bring about a massive strike in 2012, before he ran for county commissioner, and was very good at that too, winning his current elective office.
But the heck of it is, he’s never run anything. Wants to be a chief executive of huge organization anyhow. Chutzpah.