Fox lost $800 million in market value after firing Carlson.
Lotta million to lose. Must have been pretty important to the owners.
Carlson, meanwhile, is being inundated with offers and will certainly make good on his promise to “see you soon.”
I, for one, who watched him only now and then, will be looking.
The firing itself appears to have backfired. Carlson’s firing has awakened numerous people who were previously unaware of how much the media endeavors to control what we see and hear, so that we only think that thoughts that they consider permissible.
Forbidden thoughts, yes. I recognize that concept. Watch what you say. Watch what you think? It certainly impedes thinking.
Tucker Carlson has been fighting against that effort for years, and will continue to do so. Fox, on the other hand, if it becomes just another establishment voice, will fade into oblivion.
A lot to buy there. But bland kills. People like a soporific now and then, but it's at best a filler.