Chicago Tribune and Sun-Times suppress news of national scandals
Missing stories right and left, mostly right, or all right?
It is disconcerting to thumb through the Sunday Trib for ANYTHING demonstrating attention to SOME READERS’ interests. Boring too.
Wirepoints has it:
Strong evidence has led the majority of Americans to see four recent, national scandals. Even the most biased of leading mainstream media have reported at least something on the stories – The New York Times, NPR, Washington Post and CNN, among others – albeit belatedly and distortedly.
But if you relied on the Chicago Tribune or Chicago Sun-Times for news, you’d know nothing about these:
Nine members of Joe Biden’s family, including some grandchildren, got paid a total of over $9 million by foreign entities, almost certainly as part of a massive influence peddling operation centered on Joe, which he repeatedly and dishonestly claims he knew nothing about . . .
Etc. etc. etc. . . . In re: Hunter Biden laptop, Durham report, the Censorship Industrial Complex (?)
The Tribune and Sun-Times have suppressed essentially all coverage on any of that, the sole exception I find being one Associated Press column run by the Tribune about the Durham report, which is itself heavily biased, claiming “ Durham’s investigation delivered underwhelming results.”
Wirepoints concedes:
The Tribune and Sun-Times focus mostly on state and local news, but they do include a number of syndicated stories supposedly on the major national news of the day, and they editorialize on national issues.
In years past any news media of any political stripe would be all over each of those four scandals, particularly the federal government’s role in censorship. No longer, especially at the Tribune and Sun-Times. They’ve entirely blacked out coverage of those stories.
The two papers should remember that democracy dies in darkness, as another newspaper has it, or as yet another used to claim, that it ran all the news that’s fit to print.